Tips to follow Brahmacharya.

Here are some important tips to follow Brahmacharya.

ü Have a spiritual attitude towards opposite gender. 

ü Consider every person of opposite gender as mother, sister or daughter (father, brother or son for female aspirants) depending on the age or consider every person as Self or Consciousness.

ü Keep away from bad habits such as smoking, drinking, drugs, etc., which excite the nervous system and stimulate sexual desire.

ü Maintain internal (of mind) and external (of body) cleanliness.

ü If you are already married and have children, consider the spouse as just a friend, sleep separately and practice complete brahmacharya. 

ü Keep up in your mind ! that no other relation can be separated. But marriage is the only relation which can separated by divorce.

ü Get up in the Brahma Muhurata (starts 96 minutes before sunrise, and ends 48 minutes before sunrise; it is the second last muhurata before sunrise. So, if we suppose the time of sunrise at 6:00 a.m. someday,brahma muhurata would be from 4:24 a.m. to 5:11 a.m.), and do some meditation and prayer after bathing. This habit will help in increasing your satva, which is indispensable for the practice of Brahmacharya.

ü Practice yoga asana it keeps your mind strong.

ü Read religious books.

ü Be humble and give up pride. Humility and modesty are the prerequisites for the practice of Brahmacharya.

ü Daily offer prayer to your istha devata.

ü Follow Spiritual discourse given by religious persons.

ü Make it a habit to watch devotional channels

ü Regularly Visit temples. Make it a habit.

ü Regular practice of moderate pranayama (breathing exercise) must be made a habit. Pranayama is an effective measure in regulating mind.

ü Don’t be in company with bad persons

ü Make friendly relation with spritiual persons

ü Do not compare yourself with worldly people or with those who are the puppets of passion, but rather compare yourself with great souls if you want to succeed on this path.

ü Always prefer Sattvic food(vegetables, fruits, whole grains, nuts, dairy products such as ghee and milk ......etc) Get the total list from internet.

ü Avoid Non – Vegetarian

ü Avoid onion and garlic.

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