Ujjain Kumbh Mela 2016

Kumbh Mela is a mass Hindu pilgrimages of faith in which Hindus gather to bathe in a sacred river. It is the world's largest religious gathering. It is held every third year at one of the four places by rotation: Haridwar, Allahabad (Prayag), Nasik and Ujjain. Thus the Kumbh Mela is held at each of these four places every twelfth year. Ardh ("Half") Kumbh Mela is held at only two places, Hardwar and Allahabad, every sixth year. The rivers at these four places are: the Ganges (Ganga) at Haridwar, the confluence (Sangam) of the Ganges and the Yamuna and the mythical Saraswati at Allahabad, the Godawari at Ujjain, and the Shipra at Ujjain.

Kumbh Mela Celebrations in Ujjain :

The celebration of Kumbh Mela takes place at the four sacred places as per the position of Sun and Jupiter in different zodiac signs. Poorna Kumbh is held at Ujjain once in every 12 years when the zodiac sign Scorpio (Vrishchik Rashi) indicates the presence of Jupiter and Sun. Ujjain is located at the bank of Shipra River in western region of Madhya Pradesh and is seen as one of the most sacred places in India. The city is enriched with several religious shrines such as Bade Ganeshji Ka Mandir, Mahakaleshwar, Vikram Kirti Temple and many others. On the occasion of Kumbh Mela the divinity and spiritual aroma of Ujjain meets its highest peak when millions of pilgrims take dips and worship sacred River Shipra. Sages and devotees from every nook and corner attend the religious ceremony of Kumbh Mela to attain salvation and libration from the vicious cycle of birth-death-rebirth.

The commemoration of Mela at Ujjain is known as ‘Simhastha Kumbh Mela’ in which the unique combination of divinity and purity is experienced when the crowd of ash-dubbed sages, priests, devotees gets fused together with the roaring of elephants and camels. People who witness the spiritual fest feel good fortune by their side and sense positive aroma purifying their souls and thoughts. Major attraction of this festival is ‘Shahi Snan’ (royal bath) which takes place on predetermined dates varying every year. It is believed that those who take royal bath in holy Shipra River on the occasion of Kumbh Mela wash their sins of all previous births. The devotees consider it as an opportunity to get them revived from the never ending birth cycle.

Bathing Dates 2016 :

Main Bathing Dates for Ujjain Kumbh Mela
22 April 2016 (Friday)
Purnima First Sahi Snaan (Royal Holy Dip)
03 May 2016 (Tuesday)
Vratparv Vauthini Ekadashi
06 May 2016 (Friday)
Vaishakh Krishna Amavasya (First pramukh snan)
09 May 2016 (Monday)
Shukla/Akshey Tritya (Second pramukh Snan)
11 May 2016 (Wednesday)
Shukla Panchami
15 May 2016 (Sunday)
Vrishabh Sankranti
17 May 2016 (Saturday)
Ekadashi & Pradosh Snan
19 May 2016 (Thursday)
20 May 2016 (Friday)
Nursingh Jayanti
21 May 2016 (Saturday)
Purnima Main Shahi Snan

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the useful information. Your article is beneficial for us and those who are searching for Simhastha Kumbh Mela.
