Bhadrapada Purnima

The full moon day of the Bhadra month according to the Hindu calendar is celebrated as Bhadrapad Purnima. Every single month of the Hindu calendar has one purnima (full moon) and one amavasya (no moon). The full moon night has a lot of significance in Hindu mythology. And the Bhadrapad purnima being a full moon night has a lot of importance. This is seen as a month of the retreating monsoons in India.

The Bhadra month is considered to be special for Lord Vishnu. That is why, Lord Vishnu is worshipped on the full moon night of this month.

Many people organise Satyanaryan puja on this day of the Bhadra month.

Lord Satyanarayan' is offered fruits, milk, honey and sugar as 'prasad'. The Satyanarayan 'katha' or story is chanted in many homes. It is a common belief that if someone invites you for a Satyanarayan katha, then you must never refuse the invitation no matter how busy you are.

Stories related to Lord Satyanarayana are recited on this day and devotees listen to the same along with other stories related to Lord Shiva, Brahma and Goddess Laxmi. It is common belief that if you take bath in any holy river on the day of the Bhadrapad purnima, you will receive the blessings of Lord Vishnu. Ganga, Yamuna, Narmada etc are some of the holy rivers according to Hinduism.

Food and clothes are donated by the devotees on this day to Brahmins. Bhadrapada Purnima is the best day to perform Maha Mrityunjaya Havan. One gets freedom from every kind of negative vibes in case the havan is performed with utmost religious devotion on Bhadrapada Purnima. It is considered auspicious to perform Pitru Paksha Sraddha on next day of Bhadrapada Purnima celebrations.

2017 Date : 6th September.

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