Kanya Sankranti

Sankranti is the day when the Sun changes its position from one zodiac to the other as per the Hindu calendar. Kanya Sankranti is the day when the Sun moves from Simha rashi (Leo Zodiac sign) to Kanya rashi. It is the Purattasi month as per the Tamil calendar. Kanni masam falls on this day according to the calendar of Kerala. All twelve Sankranti that comes in a year are beneficial for any kind of donation and activity for the needful people.

On Kanya Sankranti many kinds of daan, shradh puja for the ancestors and penance rituals take place. Another special ritual of this day is to take bath in sacred water bodies to remove all sins from oneself soul and body. It is the day when Vishwakarma puja celebrations take place in industrials towns of Bengal and Orissa. It is the birthday of Lord Vishwakarma who is worshipped to be an outstanding engineer. He is considered the creator of God. He offers his devotees the capability to work with excellence and high quality.
The purpose of the day is to worship the work an individual does using all his tools and machines. The better his work is the better will his earning be and that would lead to a good life. There are few Lord Vishwakarma temples spread in all parts of India including states of Bihar, Maharashtra, and Gujarat. This day is celebrated with dignity and joy. People also bring idol in their offices and factories to worship the God.

Rituals of the day :
  • Like all other puja day devotees’ bath early in the morning and prepare for the puja ceremony.
  • Lord Vishwakarma is worshipped and his picture or idol is cleaned along with the instruments people use for their business.
  • This day is mainly celebrated in all kinds of industries, school, shops, and colleges. Small and big artisans ensure that Vishwakarma puja is held in their workshop for better progress in the coming year.
  • Machines are worshiped and offered flower garland on this day. Devotees pray for smooth working of their machines and no work is done on this day.
  • Traditional food preparations are done to offer the Lord and prasad is distributed to everyone after the puja. It includes fruits, sweets, and cooked items like khichdi and kheer.

2016 Date : 16th September, Friday.

2017 Date : 17th September.

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