Dhanu Sankranti

Dhanu Sankranti is the day when Sun transits to  Dhanu rashi (Sagittarius). Dhanu Sankranti marks the beginning of the Ninth month in Hindu Solar Calendar. Maargazhi month in tamil calender,The day also marks the beginning of Dhanur Mas.

On this sun god is worshipped.Special prayers are offered to Surya and people also take a dip in holy rivers. It is considered very auspicious to take a Sankraman Snan or the ritual bath in holy rivers .Special prayers and pujas are offered to Lord Jagannath on this day. In Orissa Dhanu Sankranti is celebrated on the first day of lunar Pousha month. The famous Dhanu Yatra is held during this period at Baragarh town of Koshal region or Western Orissa. Though Dhanu Yatra is performed at various places in the state the one at Bargarh is the most popular Dhanu Yatra.It is a street play based on Krishna’s visit to Mathura to witness the ceremony of ‘Bow’ organised by Kansa as described in the ‘Bhagawat Purana’. It is celebrated from Pousa Sukla SasthTithi i.e. sixth day of bright fortnight of Pousa to Pousa Purnima i.e. the full moon day of Pousa and is carried out for ten to eleven days continuously. 

Particularly in Houses Lord Vishnu is worshipped. Devotees also visit temples perform special Pujas in the Temples.

2016 Date : 15th December.

2017 Date : 16th December.

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