Scientific Reason & Benefits Behind Wearing Rudraksha Mala.

Rudraksha is a very important and mystical bead of Hindu mythology and Tantric cult. You might have often seen sages as well as common people sporting a rudraksha mala around their neck.

According to Shiv puran, Rudraksha is a symbol of the benevolence of Lord Shiva. These beads were formed out of the teardrops of Shiva when he came out of a deep meditation. His tears when hit the ground, took the shape of seeds. Later, Rudraksha trees emerged from them.

Effect on body:
Scientifically, rudrakasha beads have several amazing powers due to their electromagnetic character. This electromagnetic character empowers the bead to heals the human body medically. The beads send out inductive vibrations with frequencies that can be measured in units of Henry (Volt Seconds/Ampere). This perhaps is the reason why people have felt better even when Rudraksha beads do not touch them physically.

Effect on heart:
Blood circulation and heart beat induces a magnetic field around the body, particularly in the region of heart. Bioelectricty automatically gives raise to biomagnetism. Now rudraksha beads have a property of diamagnetism- ie. they acquire a temporary charge opposite to the that of the external field. As a result, they open up the passages of arteries and veins, thus almost magically healing some heart related problems like hypertension.

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