Diwali Special: Light Diya at These 7 Places To Keep Money Flowing in Life for Rest of the Year

A diya or an earthen lamp is synonymous to the festival of Diwali. Diyas of different shapes and sizes adorn every corner of the house on this day, adding fervour to the festive spirit. But do you know there’s something more symbolic about lighting diyas? And knowing that can help you transfrom your thinking.

The oil in diya represents dirt or vices like greed, jealousy, hatred, lust etc. that humans tend to nurture sub-consciously in daily life. The cotton wick is symbolic of aatman(or self). So in order to attain enlightenment and unite with the supreme power, one must get rid of materialism. A diya emits light only when the wick fuelled by oil burns.

A diya also symbolizes knowledge. Lighting a diya thus means an ignorant person moving from darkness towards light. Applying knowledge for a greater cause should be the purpose of existence.

This Diwali, you can dispel bad luck or obstacles that are hindering your financial growth by lighting a diya at these strategic locations.

According to religious texts, it pleases Goddess Laxmi and what better occasion to do this than Diwali.

1. Road intersections

Place a diya at the intersection of roads at night to dispel bad luck.

2. On your main gate

On the night of Diwali, light two diyas in front of the main gate of your home.

3. Under Peepal tree

Light a diya under a peepal tree on Diwali night. Don't look back after that.

4. In your home

Inside your home, light a lamp where Laxmi is worshipped everday. On Diwali night, fill it with enough ghee to keep it burning throughout the night.

5. Near a closeby temple

For blessings of God, light a diya near any temple at night.

6. Under Bilva Tree

Lighting a diya under a bilva tree in the evening brings blessings of Lord Shiva.

7. In your Verandah

Light a diya in your verandah everyday to dispel negativity.

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