Jwalamukhi Mela 2016 : Kangra Valley,Himachal Pradesh

Jwala Mukhi is a volcano in the kangra valley of Himachal Pradesh . Two fairs are held in April and October in the honour of Jwala Mukhi , the goddess volcano.

The devotees go round the 'Jwala Kund' in which the sacred fire burns, making their offerings. Nearby is 'Gorakh Tibbi' a centre of the Gorakhpanthi Naths. Folk-dances, songs, plays, wrestling matches and athletics are some of the attractions of the fair. The Jwalamukhi Temple in Kangra becomes the venue for the major fair.
People come with red silken flags (dhwaja) to greet the Mother Goddess, ‘JwalaJi'. The fair is attributed to the worship of that Eternal Flame which is coming out of earth spontaneously and perpetually.
One of the 51 Shaktipeeths of India, the temple of Jwalamukhi is in Jwalamukhi town, which is about 70 kilometers from Dharamsala. Jwalamukhi is a famous temple of Goddess Jwalamukhi, the deity of flaming mouth, believed to be the manifestation of the Goddess Sati. The building is modern with a gilt dome and pinnacles, and possesses a beautiful folding door of silver plates. The Devi appears in the form of nine different flames. The principal one is believed to be Mahakali. The other eight flames at different places in the temple represent the following Goddesses Annapurna, Chandi, Hing Laj, Vidhya Vasini, Maha Lakshmi, Maha Sarswati, Ambika and Anjana.

Belief :

In April and October, the Hill people of the area who believe that the jets of the inflammable gas coming from the volcano are actually the sacred fires coming out from the mouth of their Goddess, worship the Goddess of the Jwalamukhi volcano in the district of Kangra in Himachal Pradesh.

2016 Dates : 8th April - 16th April.

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