Pithori Amavasya

Pithori Amavasya is observed on the Amavas (No moon) day in the month of Bhadrapad (August - September) as per North Indian calendar. The corresponding month in other regions is the Shravan month.
Goddess Durga is worshipped on Pitori Amavasya . As per Marati Calendar, Pithori Amavasya, also celebrated as Pola, falls on Amavasya in the Sravan month.

Pithori Amavasya is an observance performed by married woman for their children health and prosperity. ‘Pith means flour by which the name comes into existence. On Pitori Amavas, married women, especially mothers, worship 64 Goddesses for their children long life. In the past, idols of these 64 Goddesses were made of ‘Pith and some special recipes were offered to the Goddesses. Saptamatrukas and Ashtamatrukas are also worshipped on Pitori Amavas.

Legend has it that the importance Pithori Amavasi Vrat was narrated to the wife of Lord Indra by Goddess Parvati. It is believed that performing this Vrata will help in attaining healthy and brave sons.
Married women observe Pithori Amavasi for the good health and well being of their children. In some regions, Goddess Durga, 64 Yoginis and Saptamatrikas are worshipped on the day.
Pitha means flour and women make idols of Goddess Durga using the flour. Some communities make 64 small shapes using flour representing the deities.
On Pithori Amavasya, performing Pitru Tharpan or the Pinda daan to dead ancestors is highly meritorious.

2015 Date : 13th September,Sunday.

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