Swami Samarth (Akkalkot Maharaj) Teachings

Swami Samarth Maharaj  (also known as Akkalkot Swami Maharaj) of Akkalkot  was a Indian Guru of the Dattatreya tradition , widely respected in indian states of Maharashtra as well as in Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh. With Shripad Shri Vallabha and Narasimha Saraswati. His existence in physical form is dated in the nineteenth century AD.He is often accounted one of three successive reincarnations of Lord Dattatreya.

Teachings :

  • Once having met a supreme master, the seeker should continuously meditate upon his Master, serve him with devotion and pay utmost attention to His spiritual advice, as if every word coming from His lips were a Mantra.
  • Have firm belief that it is God alone exists in every seen and unseen thing in this universe.
  • Earn your livelihood through sincere efforts.
  • Whenever you come across an able guide on the spiritual path try to gain as much knowledge and advice from him as possible. No master will share the knowledge on his own, as no farm will yield crops on its own.
  • While following spiritual practice if you gain spiritual powers then do not fall prey to the lure of using them to show miracles.
  • Conduct of the people treading the spiritual path should be pure and righteous.
  • Since the final goal of all religious faiths and sects preaching Divine knowledge is one and the same all sects and faiths are birds of the same feather.
  • Vedic scriptures composed by seers should be read and repeated.
  • Try to purify your mind too as you try to maintain external sanctity of the body.
  • Do actions without expecting any rewards.
  • Bookish knowledge alone will not lead you to self-realization. Try to put the acquired knowledge in to practice.

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