Hinduism: Oldest Religion in the World

Hindu mythology is the large body of traditional narratives related to Hinduism, notably as contained in Sanskrit literature, such as the Sanskrit epics and the Puranas. As such, it is a subset of Nepali and Indian culture. Different God and Goddesses are worshiped for different reasons. Sanatana Dharma is considered as the traditional ancient name of the “Hindu” religion.

Hinduism is founded on the authority of scriptures named Vedas .The diety Lord Brahma in Hinduism is considered as the Creator god, he responsible mainly for the creation.

Most Hindus traditionally offer their first prayers to Lord Ganesha in any ritual or ceremony. Cow is considered as holy and worship-worthy to most Hindus.

The Indian national motto “SatyamevaJayate” (Truth alone triumphs) was taken from Mundaka Upanishad. In Hinduism Goddess Saraswathi is worshiped as the deity of education and knowledge.
Bhagavad Gita is a sacred scripture to all Hindus. Bhagavad Gita was taught to Arjuna in the battle field.

Markandeya is great devotee of Lord Shiva was known as conquering death with the grace of Lord Shiva.

According to Hindu mythology Indra is considered as the king of heavens.

We should respect every religion as the teachings of all religions are same. They teach us to believe in God. Everything happens as per His will.

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