Gangaur Festival

Gangaur is a festival celebrated in the Indian state of Rajasthan and some parts of Uttar pradesh,Madhya Pradesh, Haryana and Gujarat."Gan" means lord shiva, "Gaur" means goddess Parvati. It is observed on 1st day of chaitra month the day following Holi and continues for 18 days.

This festival is held in the honour of Goddess Parvati who Symbolizes married bliss.Married woman worship Gauri for welfare,health and longlife of spouses,where as unmarried worships for being blessed with good husbands.

During this 18 days all th newly married women will observe fast.Through this 18 days goddess Parvti is worshiped.During this festival ash from holi fire is collected and seeds of wheat and barley is buried and watered daily till it germinates.After a week holi women make clay images of lord shiva and parvati and decorate with ornaments.

During this festival days women dress up with best attire, and they apply mehandi on their hands and feet.Singings and dancings are the essential parts of this festival.The festival reaches its climax during the last three days.On the first two days the beautifully decorated idols of lord shiva and parvati are taken in a procession to a tank or well by women and procession comes back after offer water to image of a gauri. The Images faces backwards during the first two days. On the final day, she faces in the same direction as Isar and the procession concludes in the consignment of the all images in the waters of a tank or a well. The women bid farewell to Gauri and turn their eyes and the Gangaur festival comes to an end. 

During this festival many fairs are held.A boat procession is taken out on the  Pichola lake in Udaipur. Gangaur festival is celebrated with great pomp and show in Bikaner, Jodhpur and Jaisalmer.

2017 Date :30th March, Thursday.

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