Significance of Kartik Maha Snaan

Skand Puran describes the significance of Kartik month.The result of Snaan in Kartik month is equivalent to 1000 times Ganga Snaan, 100 times of Magha Snaan and 1 crore Snaan in Narmada River in the month of Vaishakh. It is said that the result of bathing in Prayag during Kumbha can also be fetched by bathing in a pious river during the month of Kartik.

According to the scriptures, people who donate things and take bath as well as fast during this month get rid of sins. In Kartik month, during Brahma-muhurat, there is a ritual of worshipping God after taking bath at some river, lake, canal or pond. As per Dharam Shastra; fasts, bath and Tapa are considered as the path of salvation.During Kartik month, there is a great significance of lighting Deep in the temples of Shiva, Chandi, Surya and other Devas.  This act can get results equivalent to the Ashwamegha Yagya.

Kartik Amavasya Snan and Kartik Purnima Snan are most auspicious rituals. On Kartik Poornima day, many devotees in South India visit Lord Shiva temples and perform Deeparadhana. Prabhodini Ekadashi, Ksheerabdhi Dwadasi and Vaikunta Chaturdasi are also considered as auspicious days for Kartik Snan and Deeparadhana. Some devotees perform Laksha Deeparadhana (lighting one lakh lamps) and Koti Deeparadhana (lighting one crore lamps).

Devotees should take bath in Ganga as well as Yamuna early morning.Ones, who cannot bath in river, may go for the nearest water reservoir. Fast observer should first remember Ganga, Vishnu, Shiva as well as Surya, and then enter the water of lake or pond. Fast observer should then come out of water and wear pious clothes to perform the worship ritual of Lord Vishnu precisely. Family-men take bath using black sesame seeds and Amla powder.  Sesame seeds as well as Amla should not be used on Saptami, new moon day, Navami, Dwitiya, Dashami and Triyodashi.

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