Mangalvar, Tuesday Vrat

Tuesday or Mangalvar is dedicated to Lord Hanuman. Upvaas (fasting) on the day is dedicated to Hanuman and Mangal or Mars.Mangalwar, Tuesday, takes its name from the god Mangal or Mars who rules the day and is considered to be a trouble maker, and the fast is to ward off the harmful effects.

It must be noted here that the Hanuman might not be worshipped on Tuesday in all regions. Some communities might be worshipping some other deity. For example, in South India the day is dedicated to Skanda or Muruga or Kartikeya . But generally Tuesday is dedicated to Hanuman.

Mangalvar Vrat is observed by those couples who wish to have a son. Other benefits include happiness in the family. People who believe in astrology observe fast to alleviate the harmful effects associated with the planet mangal or mars.Those who undertake the fast on Tuesdays only take a single meal. It is a whole day fast. The single meal on the day is usually any food made of wheat and jaggery. Most people observe the fast for 21 Tuesdays without a break.It is believed that Lord Hanuman will help his devotees in overcoming difficulties in life especially those that arises from the activities of Mangal graha.

Vrat Katha :

 Once there lived a Brahman couple. They were issueless and hence, their life was very unhappy. The Brahman went to the jungles to appease Lord Hanuman. He would pray for a child in his prayers. His wife used to observe fasts on Tuesdays to placate the Lord. She used to take her food on Mondays only after offering Prasad to Lord Hanuman. Once she observed some special fast for the whole day. So she could not offer Prasad to Hanuman. She was very sorry for it and felt guilty. 

She decided to observe a fast till the next Tuesday. She said to herself that she would take her meals only after offering Prasad to Hanuman. She became weak and fragile and even fainted due to the long fast. Hanuman took pity on her and appeared before her in the guise of a child. Hanuman said, “I bless you with a beautiful son. He will always serve you, day and night”. He then disappeared after blessing the lady. Fortunately, the lady got a beautiful son. She named him Mangal. The Brahman returned home after some months. He saw a handsome child playing in his courtyard. He became suspicious and said to his wife, “Whose child is this? Have you indulged in adultery?” 

The woman said politely, “My dear husband, I am a chaste lady. I used to observe Tuesday fast in your absence to please Lord Hanuman. He has blessed me with this child. Please believe me”. The Brahman kept mum but deep in his heart, doubts began to curl up every moment. The lady was helpless. One day the Brahman was going to take his bath at some nearby well. The lady told him, “Please take Mangal along with you. He is quite grown-up. He will fetch water for your bath. He will also rub your back”. The Brahman agreed and took the boy with him. He thought it would be a good occasion to push him into the well and to get-rid of a sinful child for good. As the boy was to fetch water, the Brahman pushed the boy into the well and returned home. 

To her great surprise, the woman noticed that the Brahman did not have wet dhoti on his shoulders. She said, “Have you taken your bath?” The Brahman said, “Yes”. The lady said, “Please give me your wet dhoti to enable me to spread it on the string”. The Brahman was nonplussed. He had guilty conscience. He murmured some words and tried to leave the house. The wife said, “Where is my Mangal? Where is my Mangal? O! Mangal, appear before my eyes if I am a chaste lady and you are my true son”. To the great surprise of both the wife and the husband, Mangal appeared at the door. 

He embraced his mother and touched his father’s feet. That night Lord Hanuman appeared before the Brahman in his dreams and said, “O! Poor creature, I blessed you with a son, and you suspect your wife of adultery. You must feel sorry for it”. The Brahman realized his mistake. His wife regularly observed fasts on Tuesdays. Thereafter they led a happy life. It is said that whosoever reads or listens to this story and keeps regular fasts, Lord Hanuman protects him from air evils and bestows all happiness.

Vrat Katha -2 :

Once there was an old lady. She used to observe Tuesday fast. She enjoyed all sorts of prosperity. Her daughter-in-law used to give her four loaves on every Tuesday. She used to go to the Hanuman Temple and offer two loaves there while the remaining two were eaten by her, after which she felt satisfied. Once the daughter-in-law asked her children to follow their grandmother and keep a watch over her activities.

Her grandsons noticed that their grandmother offered two loaves to Lord Hanuman and broke her fast with the remaining two. They reported the matter to their mother. Their mother thought that the old lady was wasting two loaves and decided to cook two loaves only. On the next Tuesday, the daughter-in-law gave her only two loaves. The old lady went to the Hanuman temple and offered one loaf to Hanuman and broke her fast with the remaining one. Her grandsons noticed her and reported the matter to their mother. Their mother thought that the old lady was wasting one loaf and decided to give her one loaf only. The old lady accepted one loaf on the coming Tuesday and went to the Hanuman temple.

She offered half a loaf to lord Hanuman and broke her fast with the other half. Her grandsons noticed this and reported again to their mother. Their mother thought that the old lady was wasting her food at family’s expense. She decided not to give her any loaf on Tuesdays. The old lady went to the Hanuman temple empty-handed. She had nothing to offer. Lord Hanuman appeared before her as a young boy and said, “O, old ma, what ails you?” The old lady related the whole story to the young boy. The young boy said, “Why don’t you erect a cottage of yours behind this temple? Take me as your son. I shall arrange food for you. What is the use of living with a family which does not care for its elders?”

The old lady agreed and started living in the cottage. Everyday the young boy would bring a mug full of milk and a lump of crushed bread mixed with sugar and butter (churma) for her. Her life was now very happy and peaceful. The old lady’s daughter-in-law became poorer and poorer day-after-day. Unwanted quarrels broke out in the house due to poverty. They had little to eat. One day she said to her children, “Go to your grandmother and observe what she does”. The children went to their grandmother. The old lady welcomed them. She shared milk and churma with them and asked them to visit her everyday.

The children went back to their house and related the whole thing to their mother. She was surprised to know that the old lady was hale and hearty instead of growing weak. She realized her mistake and asked her husband to bring her back. Her husband said, “Why should I go? You are responsible for our sufferings. You make quarrels in the family everyday. You forced her to leave this house. You were jealous of her even for meager meals. This house lost its prosperity the moment she left us. You have no regards for your elders and their noble deeds”. The lady said, “Let all of us go to her. We shall convince her that she should come back”.

Her husband agreed and they went to the old lady. The young boy was sitting with her and serving her food. The old lady’s daughter-in-law fell at the feet of her mother-in-law and begged pardon for her misdeeds. The old lady said to the young boy, “Should I accompany them as they have realized their mistake?” The young boy said, “Yes, you may. If you face any difficulty, you may come back”. The old lady returned to her family. She observed Tuesday fasts and her daughter-in-law never objected to her giving half of her food to Lord Hanuman. Prosperity again visited their house and they lived a happy life. 

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