Atla Taddi Festival

Atla Taddi is celebrated in the Indian month of Ashwayuja and falls on the third night after a full moon.  it falls in the month of October every year. It is a traditional festival of Andhra Pradesh and is celebrated by Hindu married women to seek blessings of Goddess Gauri for a happy and long married life. This festival is symbolic of the strength of a woman and the effect of her good deeds that benefit her husband. 

Legend :

According to mythology, Atla Taddi is a ritual that was suggested by Goddess Gauri to be practiced by all young unmarried girls to seek Her blessings for a suitable bridegroom.

Rituals :

This festival is celebrated by women and children.Women and children wake up in the early morning before the sunrise, and have suddi (rice cooked day before night) with perugu (curd) and Gongura chutney.On the eve of Atla Taddi, women and girls apply mehendi on their palms.The entire day is spent singing traditional songs of the festival, swinging and preparing special food for the occasion.In the evening, the women see the full moon in a body of water and thereby worship Goddess Gauri by offering ten dosas to her.

After the pooja a Vayanam has to be given to a married woman. The Vayanam will consist of 10  Dosas and tie a Thoram to the married woman. Take blessings from the married woman.The Vayanam has to be given, assuming that the women accepting the Vayanam is none other than Goddess Gauri.The above process has to be done for 10 years. After completion of ten years Udyapana has to be done.

Udyapana Process:

Ten married woman are to be invited to the house.Each women has to be given Vayanam. Vayanam consists of 10 Atlu or Dosas, Dakshina or money , black beads or Nalla Pusalu, Lakka Jollu or Pasupu and Kum Kum, Tambulam.

2015 Date : 30th October, Friday. 

2016 Date : 18th October, Tuesday.

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