Monday ,Somvar Vrat

Monday is dedicated to Lord Shiva. It is said that Lord Shiva is easily pleased. Therefore many people observe Upvaas on Monday.

Those devotees observing fast only eat food once.People visit Lord Shiva shrines and conduct pujas, especially, Ardhanarishwara puja. The mantra ‘Om Namah Shivaya’ is chanted continuously.Siva devotees also read Shiva Purana.Unmarried women observe the Vrat to get good husbands. Others observe it for a happy and prosperous family life.

Upvass, or fasting, on Mondays begins at sunrise and ends at sunset. On the day, food is only eaten after evening prayer.Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati are worshipped on the day. Of course, no worship begins without Praying Lord Ganesha.The fasting on Mondays in the Shravan month is considered even more auspicious.

Things To Do :
  • Lord Shiva devotees visit temple in morning or in the evening
  • White color dress is worn by those observing the fast
  • White coloured flowers are offered to god
  • A single meal is taken on the day after midday
  • Devotees will read stories relating to somvar vrat
  • Devotees also offer Bilva Leaves 
  • The fast ends on the next day morning after prayers and rituals

When Amavasi, or no moon day, falls on Monday it is considered highly auspicious and the day is known as Somavati Amavas.Mondays in Shravan month (July – August) in North India, Gujarat and Maharashtra is considered highly auspicious. Special pujas are offered to Lord Shiva on Mondays in temples and homes.

Mondays are auspicious in Kartik month (October – November) in Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka.Mondays in Karthigai Masam (November – December is also auspicious in Tamil Nadu.

Story :

Once there lived a wealthy merchant in a city. He always had immense wealth and prosperity. But despite all the worldly possessions, he remained sad because he had no son. He regularly observed Monday fast to have a son. He used to go to the Shiva temple and worshipped Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati with full faith. Goddess Parvati was pleased at his devotion. She implored Lord Shiva and said, “My Lord, this wealthy merchant is your faithful devotee. He regularly observes Monday fast but still he has no son. Please fulfill his desire”. Hearing the imploring of Parvati, Lord Shiva said, “Let your desire be fulfilled. I grant him a boon. He will be the father of a son, but…” “But what my Lord?” asked Parvati. Lord Shiva said, “but he will live for twelve years only". Fortunately, this wealthy merchant could hear their conversation. As time passed on, the merchant’s wife gave birth to a beautiful son. He celebrated his son’s birth with great pomp and show and distributed food, clothes and money amongst the poor. All prayed for his son’s long and happy life. But the merchant was still sad because he knew that his son would not live beyond twelve years.

Merachant observed Monday fast with greater zest and there was no let up in the worship of Lord Shiva. He practiced all the rites of worship. At the age of eleven, the merchant’s son looked quite smart and mature. All desired that he should be married to a beautiful girl. The merchant’s wife also wanted her son to be married. Merchant did not agree for marriage,he sent his son with his Maternal uncle to attain spiritual knowledge.The merchant’s son started his journey for Kashi with his maternal uncle. They arranged devotional gatherings and distributed clothes at every halting camp. They also arranged best eats for the Brahmans and made enough offerings to them.One day they made a halt at the capital of a king.The king’s daughter’s marriage was held for that day. The marriage party had already reached the city. The bridegroom’s party was terribly disturbed because the bridegroom was blind, of one eye. They were in search of a beautiful boy to replace him. The bridegroom’s father sent his men in search of a beautiful boy. The men spotted the merchant’s son who was camping in an inn with his maternal uncle. The bridegroom’s father was a rich person. He said to the merchant’s maternal uncle, “My prestige is at stake. I need a handsome bridegroom in place of my one-eyed son. I shall give enough wealth if your ward agrees to have a temporary marriage with the king’s daughter. He shall be free immediately after the marriage ceremony is over”. The merchant’s brother-in-law convinced his sister’s son for a temporary marriage. The bride’s party praised their luck when they saw a handsome bridegroom with the marching band at the head of the marriage procession. The merchant’s son and the king’s daughter were finally married off around the holy fire.

At the time of departure, the merchant’s son picked his bride’s scarf and wrote, “Now we are husband and wife. I am not the son of a king. I am the son of a rich merchant. I was on way to Kashiji for spiritual studies. Your real bridegroom is blind of one eye”. The bride noticed her bridegroom writing something on the scarf. She could not read his message at that time. When the marriage party was about to depart, the bride read the message. She was shocked to know the reality. She refused to accompany with the one-eyed bridegroom. The marriage party returned without a bride. The merchant’s son reached Kashiji and devoted himself fully to the spiritual studies. His maternal uncle arranged devotional gatherings and gave donations everyday for the well-being of his sister’s son. On the last day of the twelfth year, the merchant’s son felt pain in the chest. His maternal uncle was performing the religious rites as per his routine. As he went inside the room, he found the boy dead. He was full of grief, but kept silent as the Brahmans would not accept food from such a house. With courage, he completed his routine. When his routine was over, he started crying. Many people gathered around him and shared his grief. Fortunately, Lord Shiva and Parvati were also passing by that house. When Parvati heard the cries and beating of breast, her motherly compassion got aroused. She was a mother, after all.

Having known the facts, she said to Lord Shiva, “My dear Sir, please ask Yama to return his life. Yama is always at your command. Please do this favor to me. You are the protector of all creatures”. Lord Shiva agreed and sprinkled Ganga water on the dead body. The boy got up as if he was making an excuse for sleep. The spiritual education of the merchant’s son was over. They started their journey homeward. They arranged spiritual discourses and distributed aims among the needy throughout their way. Now, they were back in the city where this boy was married. The king recognized the boy immediately. The boy reached home and merchant and his wife was very happy by seeing the couple.

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