Shravan Purnima

Shravan Purnima is the full-moon day of the month of Shravan, which falls during the July-August months of the western calendar. Shravan is one of the holiest months in the Hindu calendar, and many Hindu festivals occur during this month. Coinciding with the beginning of the monsoons, this month marks the beginning of the festive 4-month period of Hindu traditions.

All regions of India celebrate many festivals during this period, including Avani Avittam of Tamil Nadu, Pavitropana of Central India, Raksha Bhandan, Narial Purnima of Maharashtra and Kajri Purnima of Madhya Pradesh, Uttaranchal and Uttar Pradesh. 

Traditions :

The Shravan Purnima or full-moon day of the Shravan Month is celebrated as Kajri Purnima in Central India. It coincides with the Raksha Bandhan celebrations, the tying of the bond of protection or Rakhi on the hands of brothers by sisters.

Kajri Purnima is a Farmers Festival. On the ninth day after Shravan Amavasya or New Moon day, women go out and collect earth in leaf cups. Barley or some other cereal is sown in these leaf cups. A room in the house is cleaned and purified using cow dung and water. In this room, the leaf cups are kept and tended to. The room is decorated with figures drawn in rice flour. Traditional Figures of a child, a house, a woman carrying a pot and a mongoose are the usual figures depicted on this occasion.

The celebrations and ceremonies continue until Shravan Purnima or Full-Moon day. Women fast during this period. On the day of the Shravan Purnima, the leaf cups are carried out in procession by the women to the nearest pond or lake or river and immersed in it. It is a prayer for a good harvest. They worship Goddess Bhagavathi and seek her blessing for a good crop that year. 

2016 Date : 18th August, Thursday.

2017 Date : 7th August.

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