Durga Puja - Story & Legends

Lord Shiva, Lord Vishnu and Lord Brahma decided to create a powerful force to destroy the invincible Mahishasura, as they were unable to vanquish him themselves.

The unified powers of all the Gods resulted in the creation of a fiery mass from which, a magnificent Goddess was born. With the light of Lord Shiva, her face was created, Lord Vishnu gave her his arms, and Lord Brahma provided her legs. She was blessed with all the powers given to her by the Gods. She also acquired her weaponry from the Devas. She was decked with jewelery, a sari and garlands. Maa Durga was also given a lion by Lord 'Himalaya', the God of the Mountains. This Goddess came to be known as 'Mahadevi' (Goddess Durga), the most powerful and invincible of them all. 

Mahishasura', was a demon who unleashed evil and terror all over the world. He could not be killed by Lord Shiva, Lord Brahma and Lord Vishnu. This was because of a boon granted by God Brahma to Mahishasura according to which he would not be destroyed by any deity or man. With the combined forces of all the Gods, Mahadevi was created who was neither goddess nor human. After 9 days of continuous battle the demon was finally beaten. Thus, Mahadevi also came to be known as 'Mahishasura Mardhini' - the slayer of Mahishasura. 

Lord Rama :

The significance of Durga Pooja has also been inscribed in the great Hindu epic ‘Ramayana. It has been said that the Lord Ram before going on a war with the ten headed demon ‘Ravana’ did "chandi-puja and invoked the blessings of Durga so that he could become invincible. Durga, the Goddess of power then divulged the secret to Ram how he could kill Ravana. 

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