Mukkoti Pradakshinam - Tirumala

Mukkoti Pradakshinam begins at Lord Rama’s mansion that is beyond Ghanta Mandapam in the path way of Vimana Pradakshina.In Dravidian terminology, mukkoti means the vratham had on this day is equal to three crores time of vrathams followed on any Ekadasi day. The Pradakshinam has walls on three sides only, with the eastern wall missing.

Mukkoti Pradakshinam is opened to pilgrims only twice a year during Mukkoti Ekadasi (in the month of Pausha, Dhanurmasa) and Mukkoti Dvadasi (the following day). The doors are opened on the night of the eleventh day morning (early hours) after Thiruppavai and closed on the night of the twelfth day (called Margali-tiru-dvadasi).

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