Meena Sankranti

Meena Sankranti marks the beginning of the twelvth month in Hindu Solar Calendar. In South India it is called as Sankramanam. Sun’s transition from Meena to Mesha marks the beginning of Meena Sankranti.It is said that the sixteen ghatis that follow the Sankranti are considered shubh ghatis. There are many types of holy chanting and pujas done in families to free oneself from sins of the past. Bathing in the Holy waters of Ganga, Yamuna, and Saraswati are considered auspicious. 

On this day Surya devta (Sun God) is worshipped in many temples across India, like the Konark sun temple in Orissa. They offer puja and prayer to the God and hope for peace in the society. The purpose of Sankranti puja is to remove all sins and to start a new month on a positive note without carrying any burden.

Rituals of the Day
  • On all twelve Sankranti including meena Sankranti devotees should take holy bath as per the muhurat.
  • While taking bath one should offer namaskar to the sun God and pray to him for your well- being. This should be preferably done at the time of sunrise.
  • This day is celebrated in different ways to get blessings happiness and prosperous life for one’s family.
  • Temples and mandirs at home are decorated with flowers and incense stick, lamp, and sweets are offered to the God.
  • Brahmins and needy people are given daan that includes ann daan ( cereals donation), dhana daan ( money donation) and vastra daan (clothes donation). It is especially beneficial for the devotee to donate land on this particular day.

Meena Sankranti is observed on 14th March, 2016 Monday.

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