Places to Visit near by Srisailam

Panchamatams :

These are popular as the Panchamathas namely Ghantha Matham, Bheemasankara Matham, Vibhoothi Matham, Rudraksha Matham and Sarangadhara Matham.The existing Mathas are located with in a distance of 1 Km to the west of the main temple.

Sikharam :

This most sacred spot is located at about 8 Km from the main temple at a height of 2830 feet above the mean sea level. It is the highest peak of Srisailam Hills.
The Skanda Purana proclains that a mere glance of this Sikharam frees the human soul from the fitters of rebirth. (Srisaila Sikharam Drustva Punarjanma Na Vidyathe).
In ancient days people used to come to Srisailam on foot and those who unable to reach the shrine returned back by seeing this peak.

This picturesque spot is on the way to Srisailam of about 5 Km away in a serine atmosphere.
Tradition hopes that at this place God Siva appeared to a potter devotee in Atika (Piece of Pot) and hence named as Atikeswaram and later it became as Hatakeswaram.
Another tradition gives the name to this place from a particular yogic school known as Hatayoga, one of the form of Astangayogas (the eight yogas).

Phaladhara Panchadhara
This most beautiful scene spot in surroundings of Srisailam is located about 4 Km from the main temple. Tradition records that Bhagavan Adisankara performed penance at this place and composed the famous Sivanandalahari here. His Holiness Kanchi Paramacharya confirmed this and marble statues of Sarada Devi and Sankaracharya installed there and daily regular Poojas are being offered also.

Sakshi Ganapathi 

This small shrine located about 3 Kms from Srisailam and is one of the sacred spots frequented by pilgrims.The traditional belief is that the Ganapathi in this temple keeps regular account of all the pilgrims to tender Sakshyam (evidence) of their visit to this Kshetram and so named as Sakshi Ganapathi.


Kailasadwaram is about 5 K.M from Srisailam to the South-West of Hatakeswaram which is the dwaram (entrance) of path-way leading to Srisailam. In present days also people of Karnataka and Maharastra and Sivadeeksha Devotees are reached Srisailam on foot through this Kailasadwaram.
Devasthanam is arranging various facilities and Annadanam at this place during Mahasivarathri and Ugadi Festival days.

Guptha Mallikarjunam

This place is one of the most beautiful picturesque and treacherous spot which gives immorable pleasant and happiness at the sight of tremendous water fall located there. It is of about 36 Km from Srisailam.
The sacred complex of Srisailam during medieval times provided shelter to many secret saivaite sects who performed their ritual acts in such inaccessible spots such as this. Hence such places derived the name such as Guptha meaning secret.

This place contain a small shrine of Siva in a shallow cave along with a broken idol of Ganapathi.

The Srisaila Khanda of Skanda Purana speaks about this place and named it as Guptha Mallikarjunam. It is said that by mere seeing this place one can get free off from his sins.

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