Shirdi Sai temple is a beautiful shrine that was built over the Samadhi of Shri Sai Baba. It was established in 1922 to carry out the services of Shri Sai Baba. Shirdi is a town, located at Rahata Tahasil in Ahmednagar District  in Maharashtra State, India. 


Sai Baba of Shirdi, also known as  Shirdiwale Sai Baba, was an  guru,  yogi and / or  fakir who is regarded as a saint by his  Hindu  and  Muslim  devotees.  Hemadpant, wrote the famous Shri Sai Satcharitra. He consider Saibaba as an incarnation of Lord Krishna while others consider  Saibaba as  an incarnation of Lord  Dattatreya. Many devotees believe that Saibaba was a Satguru, an enlightened Sufi Pir, or a Qutub. Sai Baba's “real Name”,”date of birth” and “place of birth” are unknown. He was called “ SAI ”  upon his arrival at Shirdi, Maharashtra. First of all, Mahalsapati greeted him with the words 'Ya Sai!', meaning 'Welcome Sai!'. Sai means saint and in terms of Sanskrit, "Sakshat Eshwar" or the divine. Thus Sai Baba denotes "holy father", "saintly father" or "poor old man".

Sai Baba is most popular saint from India, is worshipped around the world. He had no love for perishable things and his sole concern was self-realization. He taught a moral code of love, forgiveness, helping others, charity, contentment, inner peace, and devotion to God and guru. Sai Baba's teaching combined elements of Hinduism and Islam. He gave the Hindu name  Dwarakamayi  to the   mosque he lived in,  practiced Hindu and Muslim rituals, taught using words and figures that drew from both traditions, and was buried in Shirdi. One of his well known epigrams, "Sabka Malik Ek "

Pilgrims throng for a brief "darshan" at Samadhi Mandir, the shrine of Sai Baba where his mortal remains were interred.Next to the shrine is the peaceful Masjid where Sai Baba spent most of his life. The sacred fire called "dhuni" still burns here and its ash or "udhi" is smeared on devotees. The Chavadi is a small building where Sai Baba used to spend every alternate night.The Guru Sthan is the shrine where the Baba's spiritual leader took samadhi (gave up his body). The neem tree at the Guru Sthan where Sai Baba first sat when he came to Shirdi, is said to have absorbed miracle powers. The Lendi Gardens where Sai Baba went for a walk and sat in meditation is a spot where devotees come to pray. The Khandoba Temple, near the STA bus stop, is the oldest temple in Shirdi. The streets of Shirdi are paved with shops selling Sai Baba memorabilia, especially the unforgettable pictures of Sai Baba himself, with his piercing eyes, snowy beard and benevolent smile.


sculptor was engaged to carve the white Marble statue of sri Sai Baba, He spent much time to select suitable features for the purpose. He observed in vain many pictures of Baba with different postures. He could not form any mental picture. He was in a fix. Then Baba appeared to him in his dream and gave instructions. Thalim was able to carve the life like size marble stone statue of Baba by His Grace (Baba's). It has the sanctity of having Grace of Baba.The statue is as big as that of a grown up man. It was in 1956 that the statue was installed (pratishta). It seems as if it has life. It's features express karuna and Brahma Varchassu. (Heavenly radiance). It is surprising to note that from which ever angle you look at the statue, it seems as if, it is looking with grace at you only. How sweet his smile is ! No where in the world, it is said, can we see such a statue. It is Unique.
After Arati, every time, Baba's statue is dressed with new clothes and garlanded It is a great wonder to see him as an old man at the time of Abhisheka and as an energetic Young Emperor after he is dressed and garlanded. It is the feeling felt by all pilgrims who visit the Mandir.



Guru Purnima :

Sai Baba is beheld and revered as spiritual teacher by his Devotees. This day Devotees offer special prayer as a mark of respect and gratitude.
In day time from 10.00 AM to 2.00 PM a special session is devoted to the recitation of Sai Satcharitra. Grand Bhajan are sung in the temple for about 2 hours in evening which is followed by the distribution of Maha prasadi.
 Vijayadashmi :

Vijayadashmi is a big festival in Shirdi, venerated as a holy day when Shri Saibaba left his mortal body for heavenly abode. The festival is also celebrated as Shri Sai Punyathithi in Shirdi attracting great number of devotees from all over the world. Various religious activities are arranged Great number of people flock to Shirdi during this Festival. During this festival 'Brahman Bhojan' is arranged with Dakashina (Donation to Guru).


By Road:
                                      Distance between Manmad - Shirdi - 87 kms.
                                      Distance between Mumbai - Shirdi -296 kms.
                                      Distance between Kopargaon - Shirdi -15 kms.
                                      Distance between Ahmednagar - Shirdi - 83 kms.
                                      Distance between Nashik - Shirdi 119 - kms.
                                      Distance between Pune - Shirdi 187 - kms.

Nearest Railway Sation :  Manmad , which is 87 kms away from Shirdi, 

Nearest AirPort : Aurangabad, which is 126 kms away from Shirdi.



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