Gita Jayanthi

The Bhagavad Gita is the most sacred, important Hindu script that influences numerous people, and Gita Jayanti is the birthday of Bhagavad Gita. This day falls on Shukla Ekadashi of the Margashirsha month. According to the English calendar, this festival occurs during November or December. It is that sacred day when Lord Krishna gave the immortal message to Arjuna in Kurukshetra. Followers of Lord Krishna all over the world celebrate this day.

Gita Jayanti is celebrated by reading the Bhagavad Gita and discussing it with learned priests and scholars about how it has been benefiting humanity even today. Followers of Lord Krishna also fast on this as it falls on Ekadashi. Many devotional songs are sung and danced on together. People perform puja and distribute sweets. The main purpose of celebrating Gita Jayanti is to recall the words of Gita and to apply it in our daily life. It allows individuals and families to lead a courageous as well as an active life that is productive.
Over the years, Gita Jayanti is being celebrated in not only India but also Singapore and Malaysia in large scale. Temples in India who have deity of Lord Krishna also celebrate this day. Observing this day allows individuals to act correctly for the near future because one reads the holy book of Gita. It has also increased the popularity of Hinduism all over the world. All temples of ISCKON in the globe celebrate this day with proper rituals and offerings to the God.
Rituals of the Festival :
  • Temples dedicated to Lord Krishna celebrate this day with great enthusiasm, which includes performing puja along with special prayers.
  • Devotees from different parts of India and abroad, like to visit Kurukshetra on this day and take a holy bath in the sacred ponds.
  • Apart from holy bath, puja of Lord Krishna can be performed at home with aarti at the end.
  • Since, it is celebrated on Ekadashi, it is important that devotees who fast on this day do not consume any kind of grains like rice, wheat, and barley.
  • There have been many organized celebrations taking place to teach the value of Dharma to the youth of today through explanation of the Gita on this special day.
2016 Date : 10th December.

2017 Date : 30th November,Thursday.

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